Information Magazine about Adoption, Complex Cases of Fertility & Surrogacy
About Us

About Us

Last Update: 03/25/2019

Philosophy and mission of the project

Babygest is an informative media born to help people who want to have family and need help to achieve it. In Babygest you will find current news and posts written by experts in fertility, surrogacy, adoption and foster care. In addition, we have open discussion forums with thousands of comments ( pros and cons), as well as a section of questions asked by users and answered by specialists who actively collaborate in this informative project.

We believe that there are as many family models as there are individuals, and everyone should be free to form their own family. There are people who have the desire to have children and in their case genetics plays an important role, there are women who want above all to carry their babies even if they have to give up their genetic load, there are families who want to help those children who do not have a home, regardless of whether or not they can reproduce naturally, and so on. As we said, there are as many family models as there are people and in each of these family models the motivations are different but the final objective is always the same, to form a happy family.

In Babygest we are specialists in fertility, we have more than a decade in the sector of assisted reproduction and in all these years we have known countless cases, each different and special. We have seen couples go through assisted reproduction treatments, using their gametes or renouncing their genetic load. We have known monoparental, homosexual and heterosexual couples families. Families whose first option is adoption and are willing to wait as long as necessary and families whose reproductive instinct led them to surrogacy because they could not renounce their genetic load. All of these families found their option and we are very touched to have been a part of their lives during this journey. We have learned a lot from each of them but the most important lesson and one that the entire Babygest team has been left with is not to judge. Behind each family there is always a story and in many cases this story is tough. The protagonists don't always feel like giving explanations and in reality they don't have to do it, they just need tolerance and respect.

Project management, team and editorial quality

DCIP Consulting Solutions is the company that technically manages the project together with a large team of specialists who collaborate in the editorial line.

Our editorial philosophy and our policy is always to seek excellence to offer a guarantee of quality in all our publications. Thus, the publications and contents in Babygest are prepared by doctors, embryologists, lawyers, psychologists or specialists in the sector who are identified in each article published with the aim of providing accurate, contrasted and detailed information.

You can find more information on this page: Editorial Quality & Policies.

Diversity & equality

We have implemented an equality policy because we believe in the right of inclusion for everybody, irrespective of his or her varied profiles, in the work environment and the society.

See this for more information: Equality & Diversity Policy.

Technological infrastructure & safety

A project like this requires the participation of well-versed experts from multiple fields, including engineering, IT security, business management, law, translation, and graphic design that make it possible for this project to guarantee editorial quality and safety, both basic requirements for our specialists, lawyers and doctors to publish articles. Furthermore, this technological infrastructure allows users to be able to interact with our specialists safely.

Related: Facilities & Computer Security Policies.

How do we get funding?

Babygest, as any other magazine and communication media, gets funding through advertising that third companies do through Google Ads and other types of marketing campaigns. However, none of them can influence the quality of the contents that one can find in our magazine.

Learn more: Advertising Policy.

Contact us

If you want to get in touch with us, please visit the following page: Contact Us.