Information Magazine about Adoption, Complex Cases of Fertility & Surrogacy
Definition of fertility tourism

Definition of fertility tourism

Fertility tourism, reproductive tourism, or cross-border reproductive care, is a subtype of medical tourism whereby people from all parts of the world travel to a foreign country in the pursuit of a fertility treatment that fits their needs.

The causes of fertility tourism are mainly two. On the one hand, due to the presence of a strict law in their home country. On the other hand, because the costs or requirements in their country are unsuitable for them.

These following are the most sought-after fertility treatments by reproductive tourists: surrogacy, donor conception (both egg and sperm donation), preimplantation genetic diagnosis, and gender selection.

By Babygest Staff
Last Update: 05/30/2018
    1. Hi Anna,

      could you tell me more about your egg donation experience? My wife has low AMH levels but here egg donation is legally not possible. In which clinic did you go? How much did you pay? Did you have any legal problems when returning to your home country?

      I’d really appreciate your answer,

    2. We went abroad to Spain for egg donation treatment. It took us three cycles but it was so worth it 🙂