There is an increasing number of individuals and couples who are unable to carry a pregnancy to term. For this reason, they seek the help of a surrogate to carry the child until birth for them.
The idea of having a woman to carry a pregnancy for another woman is not acceptable in all communities, hence the fact that surrogacy is such a controversial fertility treatment.
For this reason, most of the intended parents that seek fertility care abroad do so because they are looking for a surrogate.
Read the full article on: Fertility Tourism – Definition, Causes, Treatments & Destinations ( 96).
By Babygest Staff
Last Update: 05/30/2018
I’m currently living in UK and I would like to be surrogate mother
but I wanted in any other country that is not UK.
Is that possible?
Thank u
I’m in a gay relationship and we are looking for a surrogate. However, the U.S. is not an option financially speaking but the E.U isn’t either as our family modell isn’t accepted for surrogacy treatment over there. That actually makes us sad as we feel being discriminated and excluded from fertility tourism.
While that’s true that most countries won’t accept homosexual couples for surrogacy, you’re still able to resort to canadian surrogacy if that’s an option for you.
Wish you all the best!