Information Magazine about Adoption, Complex Cases of Fertility & Surrogacy
Is it more expensive to adopt or have a surrogate?

Is it more expensive to adopt or have a surrogate?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">nikkee78</span>

    hello, my Dh and I are considering having a baby but I can’t get pregnant due to total hysterectomy so we find ourselves balancing the pros and cons of surrogacy vs adoption because we actually don’t know what to do… but most importantly we need to get answers as regards the total cost of each. what can u tell us?

    06/12/2018 at 12:58
  2. Hello nikkee78,

    Actually, we can say that surrogacy is significantly more expensive than adoption due to the additional fees for surrogate compensation and the IVF embryo transfer process. Moreover, there is no federal tax credit for surrogacy, while there is for adoption.

    However, with surrogacy you can use your eggs and sperm and still be the genetic parents of the baby-to-be, while this possibility doesn’t exist with adoption. But it’s up to you.

    Recommended threads for you:
    What is the difference between surrogacy and adoption?
    What has more advantages, surrogacy or adoption?

    I hope I have been able to help,


    06/12/2018 at 16:56
  3. Costs depend on several factors. For example which part of the world do you live in. Also, the additional costs that come along. So no one can equate them for you. Though I can help with something. See, if you go for Adoption. You will have to wait a lot. This will cost you years and years of waiting. While if you go for surrogacy, this factor will eliminate. You will get a baby sooner. Also, surrogacy is expensive. Mostly in parts of the USA and some other states. Although it is affordable in Europe. You can look out for options in Europe. It will give you an idea of how much will it cost in total.

    08/18/2018 at 14:07
  4. Hello. Both procedures are completely different. It depends where you are applying for the surrogacy program. Some places will cost you a fortune. Whereas, others might be affordable. You need to do a lot of research before choosing a clinic. Adoption is a great way to have kids too. I’m sure you’ll make a wise decision.

    08/18/2018 at 18:07
  5. Surrogacy is affordable and preferred for the ladies which can’t conceive naturally. The clinic in Europe has affordable rates and anyone can consult them. Adoption has many complications and restrictions. Even your husband wouldn’t accept that child. But, the child through surrogacy is your own biological baby. Hope you will find the best option for you. Stay blessed.

    08/26/2018 at 11:29
  6. Hey folks,

    for me adoption is the way to go. There are lots of abandoned kids out there, why not adopting and give an already existing human being the chance of a better life? Surrogacy for the sake of genetic link seems selfish to me.

    09/26/2019 at 07:09
  7. Billy would you really like to deal with a child who has a traumatic childhood experience? you never know what this child went through. I don’t necessarily think that surrogacy is made for selfish reasons. Many parents couldn’t even deal with a child who has made traumatic experience in life.

    Also keep in mind that many do not even fulfill all the requirements to become adoptive parents. There’s more to it than just the desire of being genetically related to one’s child. The whole adoption process is endless and complicated and full of bureaucracy.

    10/22/2019 at 11:43