Hi there,
We’re a couple from AZ and have been trying to conceive for 10 years. After 3 failed IUI and 6 failed IVF cycles, we are looking for surrogacy. We also would like to do a preimplantation genetic diagnosis to make sure it 100% works. Can someone tell me what the procedure looks like, if it’s reliable and what the costs will be? We’re also looking for reputable clinics in surrogacy. Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance
07/01/2020 at 18:42Good morning JayZ!
The surrogacy process is usually performed by in vitro fertilization. For this reason, it is possible to carry out the analysis of the embryo’s genes through PGD.
In fact, it is something that is usually done, especially in the United States. However, it is important for intended parents to know both the benefits and disadvantages of PGD when not responding to specific indications.
While it is true that we reduce the likelihood of miscarriage, as well as possible ethical complications, it may be that, as we have already said, the embryos are not capable of surviving the process and we cannot perform the transfer because viable embryos are not available. Read everything about PGD here: What is preimplantation genetic diagnosis?
I also recommend you to have a look at our fertility report. This tool is free of charge and will help you figure out the most suitable clinic in your preferred area. You’ll also get a cost estimate and a detailed explanation how the procedure will look like. Just click here: Your personalized fertility report.
Hope this is of use,
wish you all the best.
07/02/2020 at 11:51Thanks a lot Romina, this report was really useful.
07/09/2020 at 06:52
I’m dedicating this day to reading more stories, as we’ve come back to the clinic for baby#2. Need more reassurance it will work again. I believe this is purely a psychological side. Here’s some of my background I’ve already shared with all of you. I’ve been there too. ttc 3+yrs, then moving to actual treatments. Our first Dr decided to start with the less invasive options, like medicated cycles with monitorying. Then several rounds of IUI – no baby. We could surely pass IVF ICSI cycle or any other procedure…so we switched the docs and clinics. Moved forward with IVF shots and finally passed surrogacy abroad. Thta final route resulted in a wonderful boy. Now we’re back for #2. Praying for all GL in the world and God’s blessings on this way. Could hardly imagine we’d move this way twice…
11/03/2020 at 09:40
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