Information Magazine about Adoption, Complex Cases of Fertility & Surrogacy
Surrogacy law in India for gay couples

Surrogacy law in India for gay couples

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Raimond-Pet</span>

    Hi there!
    We’re a gay couple (two males) who have already an adopted child from India (he’s turning 9 next month!!).
    Now we want to give him a brother or sister but this time round we’d like to use a surrogate.
    Is it allowed under Indian law for us now?
    We’re very interested because we want our second child to have the same racial origin as his brother.
    We believe it would create a stronger bond between them.
    What can you tell us?
    Thanks 🙂

    06/04/2018 at 10:04
  2. Hello Raimond-Pet,

    I’m afraid that, since approximately 2013, the Indian law doesn’t permit the use of a surrogate for foreigners, irrespective of their sexual orientation.

    Learn more: Surrogacy Laws in India – Cost, Process & Requirements.

    By the way, if you want to become parents via surrogacy, the United States is a very good option. Also, if you don’t want to do it in the USA due to the elevated costs, perhaps Canada is a good option for you as well. In both countries, surrogacy is fully permitted for same-sex couples.

    Get more info by using the following tool: Surrogacy Cost Calculator.

    I hope this helps,


    06/05/2018 at 10:15
  3. I am so inspired by your story. Thanks so much for sharing much knowledge about IVF. I think there is no such awareness about surrogacy and IVF. It’s cool. I am so happy to see that surrogacy and IVF are increasing in India for infertile couples. For infertile couples, there is no other option than IVF and surrogacy. The success and prediction rate of surrogacy and IVF is much higher than any other technique. The European clinic is doing awesome in treating infertile couples. They have the best service. This video clarifies extremely well the procedure of IVF I know that IVF and surrogacy are increasing but not as required so I request to the Indian government that conducts seminars on infertility and its treatment. Wishing everybody good fortunes.

    08/08/2018 at 13:38
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