I’m a German citizen looking for a Ukrainian fertility clinic for a surrogacy treatment.
However, I’m not sure about the legal situation because most German authorities are reluctant to register children born in Ukraine. The statements on the internet concerning this matter are somewhat contradictory so I’m definitely not sure, if there will occur problems or not when it comes to returning home with the baby.
Hope, someone here is able to clarify my doubts.
Thanks in advance!12/09/2019 at 10:45Hi,
we from Babygest do not recomend the Ukraine as a possible destination due to previous problems in registering the babies in the German civil register. German authorities demand for an official court sentence as found in American surrogacies in which a judge pass the sentence after chilbirth.
Hope I could clarify your doubts,
Best wishes
12/10/2019 at 10:23Hi there. I’ve definitely got a couple of things to share on the point. After having had a hysterectomy a friend of mine has become the true candidate for surrogacy. Ukraine was a suitable option for them. The process is well regulated there on the Federal level. And it’s very surrogacy friendly. I mean the baby is considered to be yours from the moment of conception. The birth certificate is issued with your names. You’re the legal parents of the baby born. The surrogate has no right to keep the baby after delivery. She cannot claim any rights in Ukraine. Besides their treatment plans are quite affordable. Meaning the surrogacy costs vary from 40k to 60k euros for different number of attempts and services offered. Surrogacy has always been the last option to count on for us. (We managed to succeed through DE IVF). Hope this message finds you well. Wishing the best with your treatments ahead.
10/22/2020 at 14:01