Information Magazine about Adoption, Complex Cases of Fertility & Surrogacy
Success rates of international surrogacy

Success rates of international surrogacy

  1. Suzie2689

    I am Suzie. Just joined and quite surprised the amount of information the forum provides. The purpose of my post is to know the success rates of international surrogacy. I am over the age of 40 and looking for surrogacy as my last option to overcome infertility. I have a low ovarian reserve. What are the chances of my successful surrogacy journey? Has anyone here with low ovarian reserve pursued surrogacy s their last option? I can’t wait to hear all your experiences. I would like to have some insight about the procedure that may require after the surrogacy process in order to bring the baby home.

    08/26/2018 at 19:20
  2. Hi there

    I hope that my words will give you beneficial information. Unlike you, I have another diagnosis – an advanced stage of endo. And surrogacy was the last chance to have a baby in our family. We were looking for a good clinic with a reasonable price really long. And we have found it in Ukraine. Lately, we have learned that our centre for human reproduction is one of the powerful places. The surrogacy process was really smooth. The representatives of the clinic also deal with the paperwork thus we haven’t got any problem with the exit process. Honestly, our time during surrogacy flew really fast! The main thing, it is to have this procedure is reliable. I completely forgot, I was 37 and my husband was near 40 when we started our surrogacy journey!

    02/11/2019 at 13:35
    • Hi, hun, congrats on your successful journey! May you and all your family be happy and healthy!
      This is well known that Ukraine has become a popular surrogacy destination. No wonder why. Its law is surrogacy friendly and favours the iP more than the surrogates. The baby’s considered to be yours from the moment of conception. The gestationsl carrier has no right to keep the baby after delivery. Moreover surrogacy costs there are relatively affordable, the clinic I’ve been with is inventing new and new treatment plans. Recently they’ve introduced mitochondrial donation within a surrogacy package. mitochondrion is one of the most important components of any living cell, including the egg. In simple words, mitochondrion is the cell’s energy station. Essentially, its work consists in supplying the cell with vital energy for its normal functioning. Women that went through multiple unsuccessful IVF attempts, as well as of older reproductive age. This process is basically the implantation of a healthy and functionally active donor mitochondria into the cells of an infertile patient, that provides the patient’s cell with the necessary energy. It contributes to successful pregnancy. Does your clinic have it??

      12/10/2019 at 19:22
  3. How long did it take for you to complete the procedure? Does it really take up to 18 months like some people say?

    11/21/2019 at 15:38
    • Hi Modigliana,

      A surrogacy usually lasts up to 12 months depending on how fast you have chosen your clinic, if you’re working with an agency or doing it yourself, legal framework and the modalities of surrogacy.

      Let’s take Canada as an example. While surrogacy legally is allowed, it is not allowed to compensate the surrogate nor to publicly announce for the search of a woman, though. This makes it hard to find a candidate thus resulting in a longer process which can eventually add up to 18 months more or less.

      Hope I could clarify your question


      11/28/2019 at 17:21
  4. Hi there, this really depends.. The clinic we’ve been with offers 2 surrogacy packages. #1 is called ”standard” – waiting time up to 1 year. #2 so called ”VIP surrogacy package – waiting time up to 4 months. The latter costs 64k euros. Includes LOTS of services, you’d better go directly to their side and look through their contracts in PDF. If any questions, feel free to ask.

    12/10/2019 at 19:15
  5. We all are trying to do our best to achieve success with fertility treatments. A failed IVF cycle can unleash an overwhelming torrent of emotions. Going into the cycle, you felt anticipation and building excitement, hoping this will be when your family starts, and worry at the same time. And when a cycle fails, you and your partner may feel grief and even anger. Chances are the failure is not due to anything you could control. Your fertility specialist will explain what may have happened and what you can do next. Here are some common reasons why an IVF cycle fails: Embryo quality. Age of the eggs. Ovarian response. Chromosomal issues. Lifestyle factors. One of the major factors in IVF failure though is chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo. This is true for all human embryos, whether naturally conceived or developed in the embryology lab. These abnormalities are the reason behind most miscarriages as well as failure to implant in an IVF cycle. If the former writer has already tried OE and DE with no luck, then probably it’s time to went down another route – surrogacy. Dh and I went through this path, resulting in an adorable DS.

    11/03/2020 at 10:18